107/5/2(三)、5/9(三)Structural Determinations by X-Ray Crystallography (PARTI)

  • Post category:NEWS

Topic: Structural Determinations by X-Ray Crystallography (PARTI)

Speaker: Dr. Yuh-Sheng Wen

Affiliation: Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica

Date: May 2, and  May 9   2018, Wednesday

Time: 6:10pm ~ 09:00 pm

Location: Science and Engineering Building I ,D336


演講者: 聞昱生/中央研究院化學研究所



地點: 理工一館D336



Structural chemistry which the X-ray crystallography plays a central role is a branch of science that attempts to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the physical and chemical properties of various compounds from a microscopic viewpoint. Without doubt, the single crystal X-ray diffraction is the best technique to provide matric parameters of atomic resolution for a wide range of materials of interest.

The focus of these two lectures is to use single crystal X-ray diffraction for structural determination and they will consist of two parts:

Part I: X-Ray Data Reduction from APEX II and Solve Structure

Part II: Structure Report and Cambridge Structure Database Search


Through the practice of software package, learn to convert X-ray crystal data into structural analysis standard format file, and then learn how to solve structure, refine the experimental data, and get the correct structural results, prepare cif format report files, check the cif report through IUCR checkcif utility, and to understand the correctness and completeness of report file. By learning the techniques of the Cambridge Structural Database Search, you will be able to search for published data on all the crystal structures deposited in the database.


Tentative Program



Opening Remarks

Chen-Wei, Liu,Prof.


X-Ray Crystallography (I)

Dr. Yuh-Sheng Wen

07:00-07:05 BREAK

X-Ray Crystallography (II)

Dr. Yuh-Sheng Wen

08:00-08:05 BREAK

X-Ray Crystallography (III)

Dr. Yuh-Sheng Wen