國立東華大學化學系誠徵專任教師(第三次公告)Faculty Positionsat in Department of Chemistry at National Dong – Hwa University, Taiwan (Third Announcement) (en translation)

  • Post category:NEWS

國立東華化學系誠徵助理教授(含)以上之專任師資 1 名

一、 起聘日:112學年度第1學期起(112年8月1日起聘)。
二、 資格:1. 教育部認可國內外大專院校之化學博士學位。2.博士後研究經驗一年以上。3.可英文授課。

三、 專長:無機化學相關領域。

四、 檢附資料:(恕不退件)

  1. 履歷表。
  2. 學經歷證件(含博士畢業證書及大學以上成績單)。


  1. 近五年著作目錄及期刊論文影印本(含博士論文)。
  2. 三封推薦信 (含博士學位指導教授推薦信),可由推薦人郵寄或Email PDF檔。
  3. 可教學課程科目及內容大綱。



六、收件人:劉福成主任   電話:(03)8903601    E-mail:fcliu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

       聯絡人:陳麗珠小姐   電話:(03)8903572    E-mail:liju@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

      郵寄地址:花蓮縣 97401 壽豐鄉大學路二段1號  國立東華大學化學系    (請註明應徵教師)


Faculty Positionsat in Department of Chemistry at National Dong – Hwa University, Taiwan (Third Announcement)


The Department of Chemistry at the National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, applications for one full-time, open-rank faculty positions. chemistry

The qualification required to be considered for the positions from August,2023  is with a PhD degree in inorganic chemistry or a closely related discipline and at least one year postdoctoral experience by the date of applying. Preference will be given to candidates who are able to teach in English fluently.

Applicants should submit following materials by mail(including email):

(1)    Curriculum vitae (The form can be found at https://www.most.gov.tw

In this document, candidates should specify their research fields and the level of faculty position for which they would like to apply.)

(2)    Copies of qualification documents (including PhD diplomat, graduate and undergraduate transcripts)

(3)    Publication list and the copies of publications within five years (including PhD thesis)

(4)    Three letters of recommendation (One of them must be provided by the PhD advisor. Recommendation letters may be sent by email to the below contact list )

(5)    Teaching statement (candidate should specify the courses they are able to teach and the outlines of the courses.)

(6)    Research statement

Application materials should be sent to “Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, National Dong Hwa University, No.1, Sec.2, Da Hsueh Road, Shou-Feng, Hualien 974, Taiwan” by Mar. 1, 2023.

Website: https://www.cwstu.com/ndhuchem/archives/


Prof. Fu-Chen Liu, Head of Department of Chemistry, 886-3-8903601, fcliu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw


Ms. Li-Ju Chen, Office of Department of Chemistry, 886-3-8903572,  liju@gms.ndhu.edu.tw